Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Travels and Flax-Aloe Gel

I have been MIA for the past two weeks due to to a hastily scheduled business trip to the UK. While there, my schedule was hectic, and I didn't have the mental space to post. I had a good time, the weather (mostly) co-operated, and I got a great insight on how my hair functions in its stretched state.

Since I did not want to put my hair in twists, I spent the two weeks in various types of messy buns. I would moisturise and braid my hair at night, and in the morning just put it all up into a medium-sized satin scrunchie, making sure to tuck all my ends underneath. It really worked for me, especially since I ensured that I varied the placement of the buns so as not to stress my hair too much: low bun, high bun, side bun, rinse and repeat.

That being said, when I got home I felt like my hair needed a rest from all that manipulation, so it was back into twists for me! First I pre-pooed with coconut oil, then shampooed, and then deep conditioned with my usual products (see the regimen page for product information). I let my hair air dry in large braids to stretch it, then I mixed up a batch of flaxseed gel for twisting. Here's the recipe:

2 tbsp flaxseeds
1 cup water
3 drops of essential oils for scent (I used lavender)
aloe vera gel (as you like - i used 3/4 flaxseed gel to 1/4 aloe vera gel)

Bring the cup of water to boil in a small saucepan. Add the flaxseeds and reduce heat. Simmer for approximately 10 minutes, stirring constantly, until the mixture foams up and takes on a gel-like consistency. Immediately remove from heat, and strain using a fine-mesh sieve (or cheesecloth) into a glass vessel. Add in essential oils and aloe vera gel (if using) and mix well. Leave to cool and use within one week (refrigerated).

I got about 3/4 of a cup of gel using this recipe and that was enough for my whole head of twists. I applied the gel (very snotty consistency), then sealed with coconut oil. They did dry slightly stiff, but by the next morning my twists were EXTREMELY soft and moisturised. I did them on Monday evening and I still have not had to re-moisturise.

I will definitely be making this gel again, next time to test with a wash n go. I love natural products!

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