Disclaimer: I am not a product junkie, in fact I am definitely a creature of habit! If I find a product that I like, I will cling to it like Gollum and his shiny ring. That being said, here are some products that I use again and again.
Conditioner: Herbal Essences Hello Hydration. This is my staple and my one true love. Great scent. Great slip. Rinses well (if you rinse well). Love love love, even with the 'cones. If for some reason I don't have this, I will most likely use Suave Naturals (Coconut, or Green Apple).
Deep Conditioner: My #1 choice of DC base is Organic Root Stimulator Replenishing Pak. This stuff gives great balance between protein and moisture, a great starting point from which to customise. Lacking this I will turn to one of my regular conditioners and bump up the additions.
DC Add-ons: protein(plain yoghurt, mayo), or moisture (castor oil, banana, avocado, honey, coconut milk)
Essential oils: I only have peppermint and lavender. My goal is to grow my stash of oils to include tea tree, grapefruit and maybe sage.
Cleansers: I place the least importance on cleansers. I have a glut of them right now so my aim is to use all of them up and replace everything (soap & bodywash included) with some good old fashioned castile soap. Other than shampoo (the dreaded sulphate kind) I use a baking-soda/conditioner mix. Sometimes I will clarify with an ACV rinse (about 1 cup ACV to 4 cups water)