Thursday, November 18, 2010

Water-free Hair Upkeep

Hi all,

2 weeks after the passage of Hurricane Tomas and I still have no pipe-borne water. I've been relying on my tank, and so have had to implement some serious water conservation measures. What does this mean for my hair? NO WASHING, NO DETANGLING!

That's right - my hair hasn't been washed for the past 14 days or so. Surprisingly, it's holding up quite well! It's not stinky, itchy, and my scalp isn't covered in buildup. I attribute that to my decision to switch to natural products as much as possible.

Since my detangling sessions always occur in the shower, with my hair loaded up with conditioner and each section detangled under the shower stream, my two weeks of bucket baths have meant that my hair hasn't seen a wide toothed comb in a loooong time. I haven't even combed out the twistout I was sporting last weekend. So am I a tangled mess?
Surprisingly, not at all! My curls are soft, defined, and untangled! I have been more vigilant with snipping out any fairy knots I come across, but my hair is still looking great. I believe that my regimen will be further modified to eliminate the comb altogether. The real test of course, will come when I get water back and take my first shower in ages. I'm slowly coming to the realisation that my hair takes a lot less upkeep and work than I'd thought. A week sans DC, sans nightly twisting, and sans satin scarf at night seems to have hardly made an impact.

I've even discovered a new style! I'm not the best at styling so all of you might have figured this out ages ago, but I am wearing a low puff today. All I did was to slide my headband back past my crown. I love this style because it's not as tight as a ponypuff but it provides a similar look. Check it out!

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