Current Hair Regimen

The foundation for every curly is a solid hair regimen. Since I live in a tropical country, I do not have to adjust my regimen to accomodate the seasons. Curlies living in more temperate climates might need two or even three regimens to account for the various weather conditions they experience during the year.

My current regimen is as follows:
*UPDATE* I no longer follow a regimen. "Regimen" is too strict sounding, it made me feel anxious when I felt I was "slipping behind". I want a positive, organic relationship with my hair, so I developed a routine, based on "actions", which is extremely flexible. This way I can deal with my hair on my terms instead of its terms.

Action: Cleanse Frequency: Every couple weeks.
My hair might need cleansing after a week if I've used heavy products, or silicones, which can cause buildup. Or, it might be able to last for up to a month if I have done a set of microtwists. Depending on the level of cleansing my hair and scalp need, I will use a combination of one or more of the following: shampoo, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, conditioner.

Action: Deep Condition Frequency: When needed
This might be a bi-weekly, weekly, or fortnightly depending on how my hair feels. I try not to stretch it to a whole month between DCs but sometimes life happens. I know I *need* to DC when my hair feels crunchy, dry or fried. If it isn't soft and 'juicy' feeling, it's time to DC. But I don't wait until my hair feels bad to pamper it with moisture. The more often the better, for me. I always use a conditioner as a base, and doctor it with additions according to my mood or what my hair needs: essential oils, protein ingredients, moisture ingredients.

Action: Detangle Frequency: When needed
Definitely not more than once a week. Sometimes I'll do it dry (misted) or wet. Sometimes I finger detangle, unwinding the biggest coils from around each other. Sometimes I need to get down in stages, fingers then comb then sweet sweet paddle brush. But detangling can be addictive, and too much isn't good for hair, so I try to minimize this step as much as possible.

Action: Set Frequency: Couple times a week
When my hair is loose and curly, it is set (i rarely wear wash n gos). I use flattwist-outs or twist-outs, rarely braid-outs. I need to get my act together and get some flexi-rods to try rod sets, I think my hair is long enough now. Sometimes I twist (or braid) wet and sometimes I do it on dry, stretched hair. I retwist during the week if I start losing definition, otherwise I pineapple or just tie it down with a scarf to sleep.

Action: Style Frequency:Every day!
I don't like wearing my hair the same way every day (although I do, quite often!) so I try to vary my styles: puffs, puns, pinned up. I'm not super at styling yet - this is a major area in which I need to improve, although I have gotten a lot better recently.